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6 years ago
Download records from WaveWatch III (WW3) global wave model.
D. Howe
import netCDF4
import pandas as pd
import xarray as xr
from tqdm import tqdm
# Set coordinates
lon = 136.62
lat = -36.07
# Set product code
product_code = 'ww3.aus_4m'
# Select output variables
var_names = ['hs', 'dp', 'fp']
# Set time period
start_date = '1980-01'
end_date = '1980-12'
6 years ago
url = (''
# Generate list of dates
t0 = pd.to_datetime(start_date)
t1 = pd.to_datetime(end_date) + pd.DateOffset(months=1)
dates = pd.date_range(t0, t1, freq='M')
6 years ago
# Create output dataframe
master = pd.DataFrame()
for date in tqdm(dates):
# Get date string for current month
date_str = date.strftime('%Y%m')
# Open dataset
ds = xr.open_dataset(url + f'{product_code}.{date_str}.nc')
# Extract variables from dataset
ds = ds.sel(longitude=lon, latitude=lat, method='nearest')
df = ds[var_names].to_dataframe()
# Add to output dataframe
master = master.append(df)
# Get lat and lon bearings
ew = 'E' if lon > 0 else 'W'
ns = 'N' if lat > 0 else 'S'
# Export to csv
csv_name = f'{product_code}_{abs(lon)}{ew}_{abs(lat)}{ns}.csv'