# pdf-unlock # __pdf_unlock.py__ removes security features from pdfs, to allow unrestricted printing and copying of context. ## Installation ## [Ghostscript](https://ghostscript.com) and [Poppler](https://poppler.freedesktop.org/) must be in your `PATH` environment variable. **Windows**: https://www.ghostscript.com/download http://blog.alivate.com.au/poppler-windows **Linux**: `sudo apt install ghostscript` `sudo apt install poppler-utils` **Mac**: `brew install ghostscript` `brew install poppler` Then ``` pip install tqdm ``` ## Usage ## Search for pdfs inside 'pdf_folder', then create new unlocked versions of the pdfs with the the suffix '-unlocked.pdf': `> python pdf_unlock.py pdf_folder` Search for pdfs inside 'pdf_folder', then unlock the pdfs and overwrite the original versions. `> python pdf_unlock.py pdf_folder -o` Search recursively for pdfs inside 'pdf_folder' and all subfolders, then unlock the pdfs and overwrite the original versions. `> python pdf_unlock.py pdf_folder -o -r`