"""Generate heatmaps using ArcGIS. This script must be run from the version of python installed with ArcGIS, e.g. C:/Python27/ArcGIS10.4/python generate_heatmaps.py """ import os import re import sys import argparse from glob import glob import arcpy # Checkout Spatial Analyst toolbox to prevent licence errors arcpy.CheckOutExtension('Spatial') # Overwrite duplicate files arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True def parse_yaml(yaml_name): """Parse yaml file manually (when 'yaml' module is unavailable) Args: yaml_name: path to input yaml file Returns: dict of objects from yaml file """ with open(yaml_name, 'r') as f: yaml = f.read() # Fit wrapped strings on one line yaml = re.sub('\n\s', '', yaml) # Parse yaml file params = {} for line in yaml.split('\n'): if line: key, val = line.split(':') params[key] = val.strip() return params def process(yaml_name): params = parse_yaml(yaml_name) beach = params['BEACH'] base_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(params['INPUT LAS']))[0] # Set all paths relative to current script location pwd = os.getcwd() input_tif_dir = os.path.join(pwd, params['TIF DEM FOLDER']) mxd_name = os.path.join(pwd, params['MAP DOCUMENT']) symb_lyr_name = os.path.join(pwd, params['SYMBOLOGY LAYER']) clip_poly = os.path.join(pwd, params['HEATMAP CROP POLY']) output_tif_dir = os.path.join(pwd, params['TIF HEATMAP FOLDER']) previous_date = params['PREVIOUS SURVEY DATE'] # Check if previous survey date was provided try: int(previous_date) except ValueError: raise ValueError('No previous survey date provided') # Set paths for raster files current_raster = os.path.join(input_tif_dir, base_name + '.tif') previous_base_name = re.sub('\d+', previous_date, base_name) previous_raster = os.path.join(input_tif_dir, previous_base_name + '.tif') heatmap_raster = os.path.join(output_tif_dir, base_name + '.tif') print('processing {}'.format(beach)) # Save heatmap in memory heatmap_memory = 'in_memory/' + base_name # Subtract the previous raster from the current raster arcpy.Minus_3d( in_raster_or_constant1=current_raster, in_raster_or_constant2=previous_raster, out_raster=heatmap_memory) # Clip the heatmap arcpy.Clip_management( in_raster=heatmap_memory, rectangle='350000 6290000 360000 6300000', out_raster=heatmap_raster, in_template_dataset=clip_poly, nodata_value='-9.999000e+003', clipping_geometry='ClippingGeometry', maintain_clipping_extent='NO_MAINTAIN_EXTENT') def main(): example_text = """examples: # Process single survey at specific beach C:/Python27/ArcGIS10.4/python generate_heatmaps.py survey-1-avoca.yaml # Process single survey at multiple beaches C:/Python27/ArcGIS10.4/python generate_heatmaps.py survey-1-avoca.yaml survey-1-pearl.yaml # Process all surveys at specific beach C:/Python27/ArcGIS10.4/python generate_heatmaps.py *avoca.yaml # Process all beaches for specific survey date C:/Python27/ArcGIS10.4/python generate_heatmaps.py survey-1*.yaml """ # Set up command line arguments parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( epilog=example_text, formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument('input', help='path to yaml file(s)', nargs='*') # Print usage if no arguments are provided if len(sys.argv) == 1: parser.print_help(sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) # Parse arguments args = parser.parse_args() yaml_files = [] [yaml_files.extend(glob(f)) for f in args.input] for yaml_file in yaml_files: process(yaml_file) if __name__ == '__main__': main()