# Central Coast aerial lidar processing Python scripts for cleaning, classifying, and extracting survey profiles from las point clouds. ### 1. Enter input parameters Input parameters are entered into excel spreadsheets, e.g. `param-files/survey-1.xlsx`. The python scripts take their input in yaml format. The spreadsheets can be converted to yaml by running: ``` python excel_to_yaml.py ``` ### 2. Manipulate las data `las_manipulation.py` does the following to the input las file: - clip to beach extent - classify ground points (so vegetation and buildings can be removed later) - draw a polygon to remove swash zone interference Example usage: ``` # Process single survey at specific beach python las_manipulation.py param-files/survey-1-avoca.yaml # Process single survey at multiple beaches python las_manipulation.py param-files/survey-1-avoca.yaml param-files/survey-1-pearl.yaml # Process all surveys at specific beach python las_manipulation.py param-files/*avoca.yaml # Process all beaches for specific survey date python las_manipulation.py param-files/survey-1*.yaml # Process all beaches for multiple survey dates python las_manipulation.py param-files/survey-1*.yaml param-files/survey-2*.yaml ``` ### 3. Check swash clipping mask The swash clipping mask should be checked visually to ensure it is correct. ### 4. Export results `las_outputs.py` does the following, based on the outputs of `las_manipulation.py`: - remove swash zone - extract elevations from point cloud at profile locations - complete volume analysis based on Nielsen et al. (1992) - save figures of profile cross sections - save raster of ground surface Example usage: ``` # Process single survey at specific beach python las_outputs.py param-files/survey-1-avoca.yaml # Process all beaches for multiple survey dates python las_outputs.py param-files/survey-1*.yaml param-files/survey-2*.yaml ``` ### 5. Generate erosion heatmaps `generate_heatmaps.py` creates a heatmap raster by calculating the elevation difference between the current and previous surveys. `generate_heatmaps.py` relies on `arcpy`, so this script must be run using the version of `python` that was installed with ArcGIS. Example usage: ``` C:/Python27/ArcGIS10.4/python generate_heatmaps.py param-files/survey-2-avoca.yaml ``` ### 6. Export erosion heatmaps `plot_heatmaps.py` exports a jpg erosion heatmap at all of the beaches covered by the specified heatmap tif. `plot_heatmaps.py` relies on `arcpy`, so this script must be run using the version of `python` that was installed with ArcGIS. Example usage: ``` C:/Python27/ArcGIS10.4/python plot_heatmaps.py param-files/survey-2-avoca.yaml ```