@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ from scipy.signal import savgol_filter
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from numpy import ma as ma
from tqdm import tqdm
from logs import setup_logging
from utils import crossings, get_i_or_default
from analysis.forecast_twl import get_mean_slope, get_intertidal_slope
@ -34,175 +35,92 @@ def round_up_to_odd(f):
return int(np.ceil(f) // 2 * 2 + 1)
def volume_change(df_profiles, df_profile_features, zone):
def volume_change(df_profiles, df_profile_features):
Calculates how much the volume change there is between prestrom and post storm profiles.
:param df_profiles:
:param df_profile_features:
:param zone: Either 'swash' or 'dune_face'
logger.info("Calculating change in beach volume in {} zone".format(zone))
logger.info("Calculating change in beach volume")
df_vol_changes = pd.DataFrame(
df_profiles = df_profiles.dropna(subset=["z"])
df_profiles = df_profiles.sort_index()
sites = df_profiles.groupby(level=["site_id"])
for site_id, df_site in sites:
"Calculating change in beach volume at {} in {} zone".format(site_id, zone)
prestorm_row = df_profile_features.loc[(site_id, "prestorm")]
prestorm_dune_toe_x = prestorm_row.dune_toe_x
prestorm_dune_crest_x = prestorm_row.dune_crest_x
# If no dune toe has been defined, Dlow = Dhigh. Refer to Sallenger (2000).
if np.isnan(prestorm_dune_toe_x):
prestorm_dune_toe_x = prestorm_dune_crest_x
# If no prestorm and poststorm profiles, skip site and continue
profile_lengths = [
len(df_site.xs(x, level="profile_type")) for x in ["prestorm", "poststorm"]
if any([length == 0 for length in profile_lengths]):
# Find last x coordinate where we have both prestorm and poststorm measurements. If we don't do this,
# the prestorm and poststorm values are going to be calculated over different lengths.
df_zone = df_site.dropna(subset=["z"])
x_last_obs = min(
"profile_type == '{}'".format(profile_type)
for profile_type in ["prestorm", "poststorm"]
x_first_obs = max(
"profile_type == '{}'".format(profile_type)
for site_id, df_site in tqdm(sites):
params = {}
for zone in ["dune", "swash"]:
params[zone] = {}
for profile_type in ["prestorm", "poststorm"]:
params[zone][profile_type] = {}
# Define the edges of the swash and dunes where we want to calculate subaeraial volume.
if zone == "swash":
params[zone][profile_type]["x_min"] = df_profile_features.loc[
(site_id, profile_type)
params[zone][profile_type]["x_max"] = max(
df_profiles.loc[(site_id, profile_type)].index.get_level_values(
# For profiles with no Dlow value, we take Dhigh as the minimum value to calculate swash
if np.isnan(params[zone][profile_type]["x_min"]):
params[zone][profile_type]["x_min"] = df_profile_features.loc[
(site_id, profile_type)
elif zone == "dune":
params[zone][profile_type]["x_min"] = df_profile_features.loc[
(site_id, profile_type)
params[zone][profile_type]["x_max"] = df_profile_features.loc[
(site_id, profile_type)
# For profiles with no Dlow value, the dune is undefined and we cannot calculate a dune volume.
# Calculate subaerial volume based on our x min and maxes
params[zone][profile_type]["subaerial_vol"] = beach_volume(
x=df_profiles.loc[(site_id, profile_type)].index.get_level_values(
z=df_profiles.loc[(site_id, profile_type)].z.values,
for profile_type in ["prestorm", "poststorm"]
# Where we want to measure pre and post storm volume is dependant on the zone selected
if zone == "swash":
x_min = max(prestorm_dune_toe_x, x_first_obs)
x_max = x_last_obs
elif zone == "dune_face":
x_min = max(prestorm_dune_crest_x, x_first_obs)
x_max = min(prestorm_dune_toe_x, x_last_obs)
logger.warning("Zone argument not properly specified. Please check")
x_min = None
x_max = None
# Now, compute the volume of sand between the x-coordinates prestorm_dune_toe_x and x_swash_last for both prestorm
# and post storm profiles.
prestorm_vol = beach_volume(
poststorm_vol = beach_volume(
# TODO Landward limit still needs to be incorporated
# Identify the x location where our pre and post storm profiles start to differ. This is so changes no due to
# the storm are not included when calculating volume.
df_prestorm = (
df_site.xs("prestorm", level="profile_type").z.rename("z_pre").to_frame()
df_poststorm = (
df_site.xs("poststorm", level="profile_type").z.rename("z_post").to_frame()
df_diff = df_prestorm.merge(df_poststorm, on=["site_id", "x"])
df_diff["z_diff"] = df_diff.z_pre - df_diff.z_post
# Find all locations where the difference in pre and post storm is zero.
x_crossings = crossings(df_diff.index.get_level_values("x"), df_diff.z_diff, 0)
# Determine where our pre and post storm profiles begin to change
if len(x_crossings) == 0:
# If no intersections, no change point
x_change_point = np.nan
# If there is an intersection, check that the difference between the prestorm and poststorm profile is increasing.
# Find the slopes of the df_diff, this is so we can identify segments where the difference is increasing.
# Add to df_diff data frame
valid = ~ma.masked_invalid(df_diff.z_diff).mask
n_valid = sum(valid)
window_length = round_up_to_odd(min(51, n_valid / 2))
z_diff_slope = savgol_filter(
df_diff.z_diff[valid], window_length, 3, deriv=1
params[zone]["vol_change"] = (
- params[zone]["prestorm"]["subaerial_vol"]
params[zone]["pct_change"] = (
params[zone]["vol_change"] / params[zone]["prestorm"]["subaerial_vol"]
x_diff_slope = df_diff.index.get_level_values("x")[valid]
df_diff.loc[(site_id, x_diff_slope), "z_diff_slope"] = z_diff_slope
# Create an interpolated function from the slope
s = interp1d(df_diff.index.get_level_values("x"), df_diff.z_diff_slope)
x_crossings_slopes = s(x_crossings)
# Only take x_crossings where we have increasing difference in diff slope
x_crossings = [x for x, s in zip(x_crossings, x_crossings_slopes) if s > 0]
# Take the most seaward location as the x location where our profiles are the same and the difference in slopes is increasing
if len(x_crossings) != 0:
x_change_point = x_crossings[-1]
x_change_point = np.nan
# # For debugging
# import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# f,(ax1,ax2) = plt.subplots(2,1,sharex=True)
# ax1.plot(df_prestorm.index.get_level_values('x'), df_prestorm.z_pre,label='prestorm')
# ax1.plot(df_poststorm.index.get_level_values('x'), df_poststorm.z_post,label='poststorm')
# ax1.axvline(x_crossings[-1], color='red', linestyle='--', linewidth=0.5, label='Change point')
# ax1.legend()
# ax1.set_title(site_id)
# ax1.set_ylabel('elevation (m AHD)')
# ax2.plot(df_diff.index.get_level_values('x'), df_diff.z_diff)
# ax2.set_xlabel('x coordinate (m)')
# ax2.set_ylabel('elevation diff (m)')
# ax2.axvline(x_crossings[-1],color='red',linestyle='--',linewidth=0.5)
# plt.show()
diff_vol = beach_volume(
x_min=np.nanmax([x_min, x_change_point]),
x_max=np.nanmax([x_max, x_change_point]),
# Here, if cannot calculate the difference volume, assume no volume change
if np.isnan(diff_vol):
diff_vol = 0
# Base pct change on diff volume
if diff_vol == 0:
pct_change = 0
pct_change = diff_vol / prestorm_vol * 100
df_vol_changes.loc[site_id, "prestorm_{}_vol".format(zone)] = prestorm_vol
df_vol_changes.loc[site_id, "poststorm_{}_vol".format(zone)] = poststorm_vol
df_vol_changes.loc[site_id, "{}_vol_change".format(zone)] = diff_vol
df_vol_changes.loc[site_id, "{}_pct_change".format(zone)] = pct_change
df_vol_changes.loc[site_id, "prestorm_{}_vol".format(zone)] = params[zone][
df_vol_changes.loc[site_id, "poststorm_{}_vol".format(zone)] = params[zone][
df_vol_changes.loc[site_id, "{}_vol_change".format(zone)] = params[zone][
df_vol_changes.loc[site_id, "{}_pct_change".format(zone)] = params[zone][
return df_vol_changes
@ -235,11 +153,11 @@ def storm_regime(df_observed_impacts):
logger.info("Getting observed storm regimes")
swash = (df_observed_impacts.dune_face_pct_change <= 2) & (
df_observed_impacts.dune_face_vol_change <= 3
swash = (df_observed_impacts.dune_pct_change <= 2) & (
df_observed_impacts.dune_vol_change <= 3
collision = (df_observed_impacts.dune_face_pct_change >= 2) | (
df_observed_impacts.dune_face_vol_change > 3
collision = (df_observed_impacts.dune_pct_change >= 2) | (
df_observed_impacts.dune_vol_change > 3
df_observed_impacts.loc[swash, "storm_regime"] = "swash"
@ -296,13 +214,9 @@ def create_observed_impacts(
# TODO Review volume change with changing dune toe/crests
logger.info("Getting pre/post storm volumes")
df_swash_vol_changes = volume_change(df_profiles, df_profile_features, zone="swash")
df_dune_face_vol_changes = volume_change(
df_profiles, df_profile_features, zone="dune_face"
df_observed_impacts = df_observed_impacts.join(
[df_swash_vol_changes, df_dune_face_vol_changes]
df_vol_changes = volume_change(df_profiles, df_profile_features)
df_observed_impacts = df_observed_impacts.join(df_vol_changes)
# Classify regime based on volume changes
df_observed_impacts = storm_regime(df_observed_impacts)