@ -1,19 +1,39 @@
% Calculate orientation the beach profile at each unique site and save to .mat file
% Calculate orientation the beach profile at each unique site and save to .mat file. Orientation is
% the number of degrees, anticlockwise from east, perpendicular to the shoreline (pointing towards
% land).
%% Setup
% Needs the following coastal tools:
% J:\Coastal\Tools\MALT Logspiral Transformation
% J:\Coastal\Tools\Coordinate Transformations
addpath('J:\Coastal\Tools\MALT Logspiral Transformation')
addpath('J:\Coastal\Tools\Coordinate Transformations')
%% Options
% Where is the profiles file located? This should contain a structure including the .lat and .lon
% for each analysed cross section
profilesFile = '..\..\data\raw\processed_shorelines\profiles.mat';
% Where should we store the processed beach orientations?
outputFile = '..\..\data\raw\processed_shorelines\orientations.mat';
% How far in meters does the profile extend towards land and sea? Used to provide end points of the
% cross section
distance = 200;
%% Script
% Load profile data, this is where we want to calculate orientations.
data = load('C:\Users\z5189959\Desktop\nsw_2016_storm_impact\data\raw\processed_shorelines\profiles.mat');
data = load(profilesFile);
data = data.data;
% Save results to variable
output = [];
for ii = 1:n
for ii = 1:length(data)
lat = data(ii).lat;
lon = data(ii).lon;
@ -21,14 +41,41 @@ for ii = 1:n
[x,y,utmzone] = deg2utm(lat,lon);
if strcmp(beach, 'BOOM') == 1 || strcmp(beach, 'HARGn') == 1 || strcmp(beach, 'BILG') == 1 || strcmp(beach, 'HARGs') == 1 || strcmp(beach, 'DEEWHYn') == 1
% log spiral transformation file is out of date. Talk to Mitch
% These are straight beaches, load the transformation file directly and read the rotation angle.
parameterDir = 'J:\Coastal\Tools\MALT Logspiral Transformation';
parameterFile = [parameterDir, filesep, beach, '.mat'];
parameterMat = load(parameterFile);
fields = fieldnames(parameterMat);
field = fields(1,1);
site = getfield(parameterMat, field{1});
rot_angle = site.rot_angle; % Angle of the shoreline counter clockwise from east
% Figure out end points in utm coordinates
x_land = x - distance * cos(deg2rad(rot_angle));
y_land = y + distance * sin(deg2rad(rot_angle));
x_sea = x + distance * cos(deg2rad(rot_angle));
y_sea = y - distance * sin(deg2rad(rot_angle));
[lat_land,lon_land] = utm2deg(x_land,y_land,utmzone);
[lat_sea,lon_sea] = utm2deg(x_land,y_land,utmzone);
if strcmp(beach, 'AVOCAs') == 1
% negative solution. Talk to Mitch
row.lat_center = lat;
row.lon_center = lon;
row.lat_land = lat_land;
row.lon_land = lat_land;
row.lat_sea = lat_sea;
row.lon_sea = lon_sea;
row.orientation = rot_angle + 90; % Tangent to shoreline towards line
row.beach = beach;
output = [output; row];
% if strcmp(beach, 'AVOCAs') == 1
% % negative solution. Talk to Mitch
% continue
% end
% Get the sp log spiral transformed coordinates
xyz.x = x;
@ -56,7 +103,12 @@ for ii = 1:n
[lat_sea,lon_sea] = utm2deg(xyz_sea.x,xyz_sea.y,utmzone);
% Orientation in degrees anticlockwise from east, pointing towards land
orientation = radtodeg(atan2((xyz_land.y - xyz_sea.y), (xyz_land.x - xyz_sea.x)));
orientation = radtodeg(atan2((xyz_land.y - xyz_sea.y), (xyz_land.x - xyz_sea.x)));
disp(['Cannot calculate orientation: ' beach])
row.lat_center = lat;
row.lon_center = lon;
@ -70,4 +122,4 @@ for ii = 1:n