@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ from scipy.integrate import simps
from scipy.signal import savgol_filter
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from numpy import ma as ma
from itertools import groupby
from tqdm import tqdm
from logs import setup_logging
@ -56,59 +57,154 @@ def volume_change(df_profiles, df_profile_features):
params = {}
# Calculate pre and post storm volume seawards of our profile change point
# and store in dictionary and dataframe.
df_prestorm = df_profiles.loc[(site_id, "prestorm")]
df_poststorm = df_profiles.loc[(site_id, "poststorm")]
# Calculate total subaerial volume change
# Calculate difference between pre and post storm profiles
z_diff = (
df_profiles.loc[(site_id, "poststorm")].z
- df_profiles.loc[(site_id, "prestorm")].z
# There are no common points between pre and poststorm values, so we have to
# skip this
if z_diff.dropna().size == 0:
# # # Debug
# import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# plt.plot(z_diff)
# plt.plot(df_profiles.loc[(site_id, "prestorm")].z)
# plt.plot(df_profiles.loc[(site_id, "poststorm")].z)
# plt.show()
# First, find locations where we have a good match between pre and post storm
# profiles.
lidar_accuracy = 0.2 # m
good_match = start_stop(
(abs(z_diff) < lidar_accuracy).values, trigger_val=True, len_thresh=20
# If entire profile has changed (usually at lagoon entrance), take change
# point as the first x-coord where we have both pre and poststorm profiles
if good_match.size == 0:
x_change_point = min(
& set(df_poststorm.z.dropna().index.get_level_values("x"))
z_change_point = df_prestorm.loc[x_change_point].z
# Minimum idx_change_points should be the first place where we have a good match
idx_change_point_min = good_match[0][0]
# Identify locations where z_diff is negative, i.e. profile has been
# eroded by the storm. Then group them by the number of consecutive
# values.
grouped = start_stop((z_diff < 0).values, trigger_val=True, len_thresh=1)
# Sort by streaklength, then get the start index of the longest streak
# of true values. x_change_point is then the x-coordinate where our pre and
# post storm profiles start to change.
idx_change_points = sorted(
[x for x in grouped if x[0] > idx_change_point_min],
key=lambda x: x[1] - x[0],
if len(idx_change_points) == 0:
idx_change_point = idx_change_points[0][0]
x_change_point = z_diff.index[idx_change_point]
z_change_point = df_prestorm.loc[x_change_point].z
# Landward of the change point, set difference in pre/post storm profiles
# equal to zero
z_diff[z_diff.index < x_change_point] = 0
params["prestorm_total_subaerial_vol"] = beach_volume(
params["poststorm_total_subaerial_vol"] = beach_volume(
params["total_vol_change"] = (
- params["prestorm_total_subaerial_vol"]
params["x_change_point"] = x_change_point
params["z_change_point"] = z_change_point
df_vol_changes.loc[site_id, "total_vol_change"] = params["total_vol_change"]
df_vol_changes.loc[site_id, "x_change_point"] = params["x_change_point"]
df_vol_changes.loc[site_id, "z_change_point"] = params["z_change_point"]
for zone in ["dune", "swash"]:
params[zone] = {}
for profile_type in ["prestorm", "poststorm"]:
params[zone][profile_type] = {}
# Store zone/profile_type results in a dictionary, then append at the
# end to the params dictionary.
d = {}
# Get variables, this helps simplify the below code
df_profile_feature = df_profile_features.loc[(site_id, profile_type)]
df_profile = df_profiles.loc[(site_id, profile_type)]
# Define the edges of the swash and dunes where we want to calculate subaeraial volume.
if zone == "swash":
params[zone][profile_type]["x_min"] = df_profile_features.loc[
(site_id, profile_type)
params[zone][profile_type]["x_max"] = max(
df_profiles.loc[(site_id, profile_type)].index.get_level_values(
d["x_min"] = df_profile_feature.dune_toe_x
d["x_max"] = max(df_profile.index.get_level_values("x"))
# For profiles with no Dlow value, we take Dhigh as the minimum value to calculate swash
if np.isnan(params[zone][profile_type]["x_min"]):
params[zone][profile_type]["x_min"] = df_profile_features.loc[
(site_id, profile_type)
if np.isnan(d["x_min"]):
d["x_min"] = df_profile_feature.dune_crest_x
elif zone == "dune":
params[zone][profile_type]["x_min"] = df_profile_features.loc[
(site_id, profile_type)
params[zone][profile_type]["x_max"] = df_profile_features.loc[
(site_id, profile_type)
d["x_min"] = df_profile_feature.dune_crest_x
d["x_max"] = df_profile_feature.dune_toe_x
# For profiles with no Dlow value, the dune is undefined and we cannot calculate a dune volume.
# Calculate subaerial volume based on our x min and maxes
params[zone][profile_type]["subaerial_vol"] = beach_volume(
x=df_profiles.loc[(site_id, profile_type)].index.get_level_values(
z=df_profiles.loc[(site_id, profile_type)].z.values,
d["subaerial_vol"] = beach_volume(
# TODO Landward limit still needs to be incorporated
params[zone][profile_type] = d
params[zone]["vol_change"] = (
- params[zone]["prestorm"]["subaerial_vol"]
# Calculate change in volumes. Use the z_diff array which has been
# zero'ed out landward of the x_change_point
params[zone]["vol_change"] = beach_volume(
params[zone]["pct_change"] = (
params[zone]["vol_change"] / params[zone]["prestorm"]["subaerial_vol"]
# params[zone]["vol_loss"] = (params[zone]["prestorm"]["subaerial_vol"] -
# params[zone]["poststorm"]["subaerial_vol"])
# params[zone]["pct_loss"] = \
# params[zone]["vol_loss"] / params[zone]["prestorm"]["subaerial_vol"]
# Save results in our data frame
df_vol_changes.loc[site_id, "prestorm_{}_vol".format(zone)] = params[zone][
@ -121,7 +217,6 @@ def volume_change(df_profiles, df_profile_features):
df_vol_changes.loc[site_id, "{}_pct_change".format(zone)] = params[zone][
return df_vol_changes
@ -153,12 +248,8 @@ def storm_regime(df_observed_impacts):
logger.info("Getting observed storm regimes")
swash = (df_observed_impacts.dune_pct_change <= 2) & (
df_observed_impacts.dune_vol_change <= 3
collision = (df_observed_impacts.dune_pct_change >= 2) | (
df_observed_impacts.dune_vol_change > 3
swash = df_observed_impacts.dune_vol_change > -3
collision = df_observed_impacts.dune_vol_change < -3
df_observed_impacts.loc[swash, "storm_regime"] = "swash"
df_observed_impacts.loc[collision, "storm_regime"] = "collision"
@ -344,3 +435,32 @@ def get_beach_width(df_profile_features, df_profiles, profile_type, ele, col_nam
df_width = (df_x_position - df_x_prestorm_dune_toe).rename(col_name)
return df_width
def start_stop(a, trigger_val, len_thresh=2):
In [47]: myArray
Out[47]: array([1, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1])
In [48]: start_stop(myArray, trigger_val=1, len_thresh=2)
array([[ 5, 8],
[13, 15]])
:param a:
:param trigger_val:
:param len_thresh:
# "Enclose" mask with sentients to catch shifts later on
mask = np.r_[False, np.equal(a, trigger_val), False]
# Get the shifting indices
idx = np.flatnonzero(mask[1:] != mask[:-1])
# Get lengths
lens = idx[1::2] - idx[::2]
return idx.reshape(-1, 2)[lens > len_thresh] - [0, 1]