# 2016 Narrabeen Storm EWS Performance
This repository investigates whether the storm impacts (i.e. Sallenger, 2000) of the June 2016 Narrabeen Storm could
have been forecasted in advance.
## Repository and analysis format
This repository follows the [Cookiecutter Data Science ](https://drivendata.github.io/cookiecutter-data-science/ )
structure where possible. The analysis is done in python (look at the `/src/` folder) with some interactive,
exploratory notebooks located at `/notebooks` .
Development is conducted using a [gitflow](https://www.atlassian
.com/git/tutorials/comparing-workflows/gitflow-workflow) approach - mainly the `master` branch stores the official
release history and the `develop` branch serves as an integration branch for features. Other `hotfix` and `feature`
branches should be created and merged as necessary.
## Where to start?
Check .env
Uses pipenv
1. Clone this repository.
2. Pull data from WRL coastal J drive with `make pull-data`
3. Check out jupyter notebook `./notebooks/01_exploration.ipynb` which has an example of how to import the data and
some interactive widgets.
## Requirements
The following requirements are needed to run various bits:
- [Python 3.6+ ](https://conda.io/docs/user-guide/install/windows.html ): Used for processing and analysing data.
Jupyter notebooks are used for exploratory analyis and communication.
- [QGIS ](https://www.qgis.org/en/site/forusers/download ): Used for looking at raw LIDAR pre/post storm surveys and
extracting dune crests/toes
- [rclone ](https://rclone.org/downloads/ ): Data is not tracked by this repository, but is backed up to a remote
Chris Leaman working directory located on the WRL coastal drive. Rclone is used to sync local and remote copies.
Ensure rclone.exe is located on your `PATH` environment.
- [gnuMake ](http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/packages/make.htm ): A list of commands for processing data is provided in
the `./Makefile` . Use gnuMake to launch these commands. Ensure make.exe is located on your `PATH` environment.
## Available data
Raw, interim and processed data used in this analysis is kept in the `/data/` folder. Data is not tracked in the
repository due to size constraints, but stored locally. A mirror is kept of the coastal folder J drive which you can
use to push/pull to, using rclone. In order to get the data, run `make pull-data` .
List of data:
- `/data/raw/processed_shorelines` : This data was recieved from Tom Beuzen in October 2018. It consists of pre/post
storm profiles at every 100 m sections along beaches ranging from Dee Why to Nambucca . Profiles are based on raw
aerial LIDAR and were processed by Mitch Harley. Tides and waves (10 m contour and reverse shoaled deepwater) for
each individual 100 m section is also provided.
- `/data/raw/raw_lidar` : This is the raw pre/post storm aerial LIDAR which was taken for the June 2016 storm. `.las`
files are the raw files which have been processed into `.tiff` files using `PDAL` . Note that these files have not
been corrected for systematic errors, so actual elevations should be taken from the `processed_shorelines` folder.
Obtained November 2018 from Mitch Harley from the black external HDD labeled "UNSW LIDAR".
- `/data/raw/profile_features` : Dune toe and crest locations based on prestorm LIDAR. Refer to `/notebooks/qgis.qgz`
as this shows how they were manually extracted. Note that the shapefiles only show the location (lat/lon) of the dune
crest and toe. For actual elevations, these locations need to related to the processed shorelines.
## Notebooks
- `/notebooks/01_exploration.ipynb` : Shows how to import processed shorelines, waves and tides. An interactive widget
plots the location and cross sections.
- `/notebooks/qgis.qgz` : A QGIS file which is used to explore the aerial LIDAR data in `/data/raw/raw_lidar` . By
examining the pre-strom lidar, dune crest and dune toe lines are manually extracted. These are stored in the
`/data/profile_features/` .
- [ ] Setup precomit hook for automatic code formatting using [black ](https://ljvmiranda921.github.io/notebook/2018/06/21/precommits-using-black-and-flake8/ ).
- [ ] Raw tide WL's are interpolated based on location from tide gauges. This probably isn't the most accurate method, but should have a small effect since surge elevation was low during this event. Need to assess the effect of this method.
- [ ] Estimate max TWL from elevation where pre storm and post storm profiles are the same.
- [ ] Mitch updated the raw profiles.mat to include more information about the survey time. Our data scripts should be updated to parse this new information and include it in our dataframes.